Monday, December 21, 2009

My stars are in line!

WEBS liked my sweater design called 'Louise'. They are interested in seeing more of my work! Received a box of 18 different yarns from WEBS to swatch and see what other ideas I can come up with. I have several swatches in the works that I think they will like. I am having a blast playing!!

My Textile Studio is coming together very nicely. My oldest helped me put up book shelves over Thanksgiving weekend. He is home now for Christmas and helped to put the shelves up in the closet this past weekend and hang my bulletin board.

My husband bought me a new table and desk lamp for Christmas. We put the table in the room and pulled out the 8 foot table this past weekend. We switched out the rocking chair and my husband carried down my glider rocking chair for the room instead. It is bigger and takes up more room but is much more comfortable to sit in.

I am still shopping for a different sewing machine table. The room is really looking great! I am so thrilled.

My stars are in line for all the good things happening for me these last couple of months!!!

Happy Holidays!!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

'Louise' Sweater Design to be published!

My sweater design is called 'Louise' and will be published by WEBS America's Yarn Store ( They have reviewed the pattern and found NO math errors. They feel it will be a good seller. The next step is that WEBS will have the sample sweater professionally photographed in preparation to list it on the web site and in the catalog. They estimate the spring or summer catalog will carry the pattern.

This sweater pattern is named 'Louise' after my Grandma Louiae and my sister Louise. My Grandma Louise taught me to knit (along with other crafts) and was always encouraging. My sister Louise is very supportive, always telling me to pursue this dream and does photography work for me (for free) whenever she is home from Arizona. Two important ladies in my life!

WEBS is interested in seeing more of my work! It is hard to concnetrate at work because my mind is busy contemplating new ideas. This has and continues to be so exciitng for me!!