Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness!

It is already mid-March - where has the month gone?! This week has been so busy at the office I am exhausted.

My boys are home visiting for Spring Break and it is wonderful to see them. I had hoped to take an afternoon off to spend with each of them but demands at my job didn't allow this. It is frustrating.

I have been working on my Master Level III and making progress! In order to learn the traveling twisted stitches I found a hat pattern and completed it last week. It turned out really nice. A picture is posted on ravelry. I want to make more hats using traveling stitches they are easier than I thought - especially working in the round. Working them flat is another challenge. I am practicing my swatch this weekend. I understand what the process is to knit flat but need to practice to get my gauge even. It is WAY easier to work in the round.

Have started my last report and have it about half written. Reading other ravelers comments about what needs to be included in magazine and book reviews has caused me to doubt what I have written and I plan to review those reports to see if changes might be needed.

I have signed up for Yarnover in April and will be taking the class on Japanese knitting stitches. This class looks incredible - I can't wait!

I have made hotel reservations for Stitches Midwest in September. I know it is early but I just wanted to get it on my calendar - it gives me something to lool forward to. This winter is getting long and I am anxious to see what courses will be offered this year. Stitches Conventions are so much fun!!