Friday, May 30, 2008

How Time Flies...

This evening we will be attending my youngest child's graduation from High School. Where did the years go? Where did this school year go? It is hard to believe that in a few short months we will be an empty nest. It will be lonely with both of our boys away at college.

I will miss B & C terribly but do look forward to putting more time into my knitting. I want to finish up the Master Level III course work and get it submitted for evaluation. I want to be done and move on to other projects. I really want to focus on designing and see where that will take me. I wonder if I have the kind of creativity that others would be interested in?

I am now in maintenance with my diet. The 44 pounds are off and my weight is stabilized. I have been having fun buying new clothes. I want to make myself some new sweaters. I am really looking forward to attending Stitches Midwest in August and getting a lot of inspiration!

Friday, May 23, 2008


It is finally Friday - this has been a long week. We are so busy getting things done for our son's open house I have not had time to work on my knitting. I am hoping this weekend to be able to sit down and watch a movie and do a couple of hours of knitting.

I bought a few more clothes last weekend. It feels good to have things fit well. I think I have a good assortment of work clothes now. I need to find some summer things - like shorts - it is finally warming up and it looks like the weather will hit 70 degrees this weekend!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Another Month...

I had such good intentions of blogging more regularly! It's been 2 months since I had time to write something - time just slips by so quickly!

I have been very busy with the school year coming to an end for my boys.

I have reached my goal weight, which resulted in a loss of 44 pounds! Woohoo! Slowly getting out and getting some shopping done for new clothes - nothing fits except for my socks!! I have an extremely small wardrobe right now - a very nice problem to have but anxious to build it up. Shopping can actually be a lot of work. Hitting clearance racks everywhere looking for bargains. I wear a much smaller size than I thought I would - WOW!

Many knitting projects going at once. I keep starting new ones and need to finish up a few! I am anxious to get back to my work for the Master Knitter Level III and get it done. It is taking me a LOT longer than I thought it would to get through this last level.

I have signed up to attend Stitches Midwest in Chicago in August. I can't wait! I am taking both of Brandon Mabley's all day classes along with a couple of other classes. This is going to be so exciting to take his classes. The shopping is always fantastic there and I am planning to be much more organized this year in what I am shopping for. I want to have a list of items to shop for before I leave home.