Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Well a lot of time has certainly passed since I last posted here.

My son's afghan was finished the week of Thanksgiving and he took it back to college with him. Pictures are posted on my Ravelry site.

Then I got the brilliant idea I would make each of my sons a sweater for Christmas. What was I thinking?! It is a very simple pattern that you can make 'in a weekend' from Knitting Pure and Simple. I have both sweaters started but will be doing a knitting marathon this weekend to make headway on the projects. I would like to have them both done before the boys come home from college on December 20th. I would like to have them wrapped and under the tree so they don't see me working on them. It would be nice to have a few hours before Christmas to work on something for myself - what a lovely thought!

I have started organizing my completed pieces of the Master Knitter Level III requirements. I have more done than I remembered - woohoo! That was a very nice surprise. This is going to be my next project - to get this done. I have been talking about it and thinking about it long enough - it is time to cross the finish line!