Friday, April 24, 2009

Christmas Eve is 8 months from today!

I have boughten some beautiful Trekking Hand Art yarn from the Webs sale to make my husband a scarf for Christmas. The yarn color is called 'Caribbean' and is a varigated yarn of blues. It is going to look wonderful in a herringbone stitch pattern. I'm going to work on the scarf when he's not home so it is a surprise. That won't be difficult because he has so many commitments to Scouts he is gone a LOT!

The Stitches Midwest Class list is finally available. I was getting very impatient and then I reviewed the list and was disappointed at seeing so many of the same classes offered. They really need to come up with some new class offerings. I am still looking forward to spending time with V and shopping at the Market - especially Webs!

My boys will be home soon from college for the summer. It will be nice to have them home. I really do miss them at times. It will be an adjustment to have them back home also!

I have started looking at stitch patterns and trying to make some decisions for the Aran Sweater I need to make for Level III. I have several selected and need to start swatching to see how I like them in my yarn. I pulled out the ball of yarn I had boughten to swatch with and saw I had bought it in December of 2006! Yikes I don't know if it is still available - I'm going to buy a new ball of yarn.