Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taxes Deadline

Well I mailed our state tax payment this morning on the way to work. Glad that is done and I don't have to think about it anymore other than where is my Federal refund check? I thought I would have had that by now - it's been over a month since we mailed that return in!

The boys liked their Easter Bunnies that I made them. Still need to get the pictures uploaded to my Ravelry site. They did turn out cute - especially the pink bunny!

Back to my Level III requirements now. I need to make some headway on these last requirements. I REALLY want to move on to 'regular' knitting projects. My schedule has become so busy I don't seem to be able to get a good block of time to sit down and make headway.

This Saturday I am attending the Japanese Knitting Class being offereed through the Minnesota Knitters Guild's annual Yarnover Knitting Convention. It should be very exciting class. I hope to come away from this with something to incorporate into my Aran Sweater for Level III.

Cherry Tree Hill Yarns has announced their annual design contest and I have been doodling with some ideas to make something to submit. The yarn is so beautiful. My mind just starting running with ideas of what I could make. It is so easy to find a distraction to avoid doing the last couple of Level III requirements!