Monday, May 18, 2009


It has been awhile since I updated my blog. I have been so busy lately.

I am making good progress on my Level III knitting requirements. Finished up 2 swatches this past weekend. There are 2 swatches left to knit and my 2 projects - the sweater and hat. The hat has been designed - just need to purchase the yarn. Is it possible that the end is in site?!

I have signed up for Stitches Midwest and am excited to say that I will be staying at V's house and will not have the hotel expense this year. I am starting to research and gather patterns for items I would like to purchase yarn for. I LOVE shopping at Market at Stitches. There are some fabulous booths.

V and I are on the waiting list to attend the Minnesota Knitters Days retreat this fall. We are hoping that there are 2 cancellations so we can meet up there and attend this knitting retreat. I think it would be a very fun weekend.

My boys are home from college for the summer. The house suddenly seems crowded! I have to pick up several knitting projects because I had definitely 'spread out' after the 2 went to college last fall. I am at a bit of a loss on how to organize all my knitting! I wish I could afford to hire an organizer...

My birthday is less than a month away. I wonder if my husband will remember my birthday this year. He FORGOT my birthday last year and it was my 50th! What a crappy memory for such a milestone in my life... I do have a massage scheduled for myself. That is going to feel soooo good!

Changes to my job have added a lot of stress to my life. My upcoming massage will do me wonders... I have taken 2 days off to just relax and KNIT!