Friday, May 16, 2008

Another Month...

I had such good intentions of blogging more regularly! It's been 2 months since I had time to write something - time just slips by so quickly!

I have been very busy with the school year coming to an end for my boys.

I have reached my goal weight, which resulted in a loss of 44 pounds! Woohoo! Slowly getting out and getting some shopping done for new clothes - nothing fits except for my socks!! I have an extremely small wardrobe right now - a very nice problem to have but anxious to build it up. Shopping can actually be a lot of work. Hitting clearance racks everywhere looking for bargains. I wear a much smaller size than I thought I would - WOW!

Many knitting projects going at once. I keep starting new ones and need to finish up a few! I am anxious to get back to my work for the Master Knitter Level III and get it done. It is taking me a LOT longer than I thought it would to get through this last level.

I have signed up to attend Stitches Midwest in Chicago in August. I can't wait! I am taking both of Brandon Mabley's all day classes along with a couple of other classes. This is going to be so exciting to take his classes. The shopping is always fantastic there and I am planning to be much more organized this year in what I am shopping for. I want to have a list of items to shop for before I leave home.



I am so impressed of your weight loss. Well done!! Enjoy shopping, it must be soooo fun to buy smaller sizes. Have a nice weekend.